LifeLock Customer Reviews

Not really sure what to think...

By Kevin Brown, member for 8 years, on Aug 27, 2015

I received a very timely email from LifeLock clamoring as to how they have 'protected my identity' - etc. for the past 30 days. I will preface by saying that I am not one of those that obsessively monitors my credit score, etc. My bills come in, I review them to make sure they are accurate, and make calls when needed surrounding fraudulent activity - which is rarely, thankfully. Anyhow, I received multiple calls over the past few days from my ank alerting me to frauduent activities against one of my accounts. Hmm, did not receive anything from LifeLock. I also recently checked my credit score when I received a notification surrounding a potntial security risk in my neighborhod, only to find that the score was nearly 100 points off of what the major reporting agencies showed when I checked them directly. To be quite blunt, my family spends almost $100 per month to LifeLock for services that apparently do not work and provide little protection or value. Time to look elsewhere, as I have used them for years to this point and wonder what else may have been missed.

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